What makes Saltwell® the perfect partner in sodium reduction?

You may have heard of Saltwell®, and you may already be aware that it’s a natural sea salt with 35% less sodium than traditional salt. But if you think that’s where Saltwell®’s story ends, you’d be wrong.
From its origin in an underground ancient sea beneath the Atacama Desert, to our world-class BRC production plant in Cyprus, there’s a lot more to Saltwell®’s unique proposition.
Let’s take a closer look at the amazing multitude of benefits in this 100% natural ingredient.
Clean label and FOP improvement advantages
What’s in a name? Some ingredient names arouse suspicion in health-conscious consumers. For example, many low-sodium salts are blended artificially with potassium chloride, which to a consumer is technical-sounding and associated with health risks.
With Saltwell®, your products can bask in the halo effect of a true clean label. Depending on which continent you are on, when using Saltwell® only naturally reassuring declarations like “sea salt”, “salt”, or “reduced sodium sea salt” need appear on your packaging.
These declarations are not only perceived by a consumer to be better, but the nutritional information on your labels will also reflect a substantial % reduction in sodium. And that means in many cases not only do you benefit form a cleaner, shorter label but also an improved Nutri-Score or better Traffic Light Label or better nutritional Facts Up Front. Helping to allow WHO, PHE, or FDA Salt Targets to be achieved as well.
Universally accepted and globally distributed
Wherever you and your customers are in the world, you can use Saltwell® with confidence. It’s approved by the FDA, BRC certified, Halal and Kosher certified, and GFSI recognised. It’s a truly international ingredient, fulfilling stringent food safety standards across the globe.
Saltwell® is used in the US, Canada, UK, Asia, Europe, Australia/NZ, Ireland, South America and Africa by 1000s of producers – from large multinational to local independent brands. When using Saltwell®, products can be exported and swiftly accepted in all markets.
Moreover, after being on the market now for 10 years, there is a global network of Saltwell® distributors and cooperative partners around the world, which all carry large amounts of stock locally for rapid delivery. Most have worked with Saltwell® for many years and have great experience in helping producers with sodium reduction needs.
Naturally great taste
A key reason why 1000’s of food producers around the globe use Saltwell® is because of the taste it provides naturally, alongside its superior functionality In sensory analysis research, participants reported that Saltwell® tastes just like ordinary salt – and some went further in their feedback, saying it tasted even better that other salts.
Due to its completely natural composition, Saltwell® has an innately smooth salty profile. potassium salt and artificially produced low sodium blends containing potassium chloride, have a bitter metallic off-taste profile, requiring additives and additional ingredients to be used to adjust product flavour. But that is not needed when using Saltwell® meaning manufactured food can taste better and be low in sodium, naturally.
Superior functionality and quality
The unique single grain composition of Saltwell® means there is no grain separation in storage or in processing. Meaning no inconsistency in flavour or in nutritional profile. It maintains yields and increases succulence in processed meats.
Each grain of Saltwell® is formed naturally: it is not artificially processed. Sodium, potassium, and minerals from an underground sea crystallise into a single unique grain. Chemicals or additives are never ever used to produce Saltwell®, just the power of desert nature and advanced purifying process at the BRC processing site in Cyprus.
As a naturally solar-dried sea salt, Saltwell®’s low-sodium composition is 100% consistent. Our innovative refinement process means that Saltwell® contains significantly less insoluble material and less moisture than other sea salts. Saltwell® has a typical 0.4% humidity, just a fraction of the moisture in many other sea salts which often have 2-4% humidity.
Its exceptional quality has been globally recognised with certification to ISO 22000, ISO 9001, and ISO 14001 standards.
Versatility for every application
No matter what the requirements, as a food producer you will find a Saltwell® product that’s just right for your formulation. It’s produced in a range of granular sizes – suitable for all areas of food production. From microfine powder salt (less than 0.3mm) through to standard, and up to coarse (up to 6mm). And of course, all sizes have the same exceptional quality and naturally reduced sodium content.
Simple to use
We make reducing sodium EASY. No complicated reformulations are needed. Saltwell® can be switched 1:1 with ordinary salt. It’s that simple.
And it mixes well with ordinary food grade PDVs salts too. So, it can be seamlessly incorporated into any formulations. Whether wet or dry applications, Saltwell® is simple to use.
The complete package in sodium reduction
Saltwell® has all the qualities and credentials to bring simple, great-tasting sodium reduction to your products.
Everyone in your organisation will appreciate its benefits: from quality control to product innovation, to the sales and marketing department. Saltwell® is a great partner to drive more success in the food manufacturing industry.
Get in touch to learn more about how our global network of specialised partners and distributors can support your sodium reduction goals.